Information for former eScholarship PLUS/Lulu users

Posted almost 8 years ago by Justin Gonder

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Justin Gonder
Justin Gonder Admin


From 2012 to 2016 the California Digital Library contracted with a vendor for print-on-demand (POD) and ebook distribution/sales service for books and journals published in eScholarship. This pilot program with Lulu has been discontinued. Following the expiration of eScholarship’s contract with Lulu:

  • No new storefront sites will be built.
  • Storefronts with no items available for sale will be removed.
  • Units which had publications available for sale in their Lulu storefront can choose to keep the storefront page, at no charge, or republish their items under a different account and have the storefront page taken down.
  • All units, regardless of whether they were part of the eScholarship/Lulu program, can choose to publish with Lulu, or can select a different POD vendor.

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