I'm not sure if I am just reiterating the request but could we get a field in both symplectic and eScholarship manual upload form to include and display ORCiDs?
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Alainna Therese Wrigleyposted
about 5 years ago
If a campus already has collected ORCID iDs for its researchers in other systems, e.g. a local campus profile system or FIM, then it can arrange with us to import those identifiers in bulk. For assistance with this, please reach out to our team directly.
There is a request for journals to include, https://help.escholarship.org/support/discussions/topics/9000045587
I'm not sure if I am just reiterating the request but could we get a field in both symplectic and eScholarship manual upload form to include and display ORCiDs?
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Alainna Therese Wrigley posted about 5 years ago Admin
In Symplectic Elements (UC Publication Management System), users can connect their ORCID iDs on their profiles and "automatic claiming" ( https://oapolicy.universityofcalifornia.edu/publishingidentity.html ) pages.
When they deposit works into eScholarship, their ORCID iD is automatically transferred to eScholarship. Example:
Source: Steffan, JS. (2016). A cause for childhood ataxia. ELIFE, 5. http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.14523 Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/2bq1x703
If a campus already has collected ORCID iDs for its researchers in other systems, e.g. a local campus profile system or FIM, then it can arrange with us to import those identifiers in bulk. For assistance with this, please reach out to our team directly.
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