I am a series admin on eScholarship. By default, publications are deposited into my campus's postprint series (e.g. ucb_postprints), however I cannot access items in these series to add additional series locations or request that an item be moved to my series.
As a series admin, I should have the ability to log into submit.escholarship.org and:
access my campus's postprint series;
see the list of items in the campus postprint series and click on them to open the basic information screen;
add an additional location to any series for which I am set as an admin; and
submit a "change of location" request to remove the item from the campus postprint series to my series. (This last part would be a similar function to the "withdrawal" request that admin can submit from the same screen.)
I am a series admin on eScholarship. By default, publications are deposited into my campus's postprint series (e.g. ucb_postprints), however I cannot access items in these series to add additional series locations or request that an item be moved to my series.
As a series admin, I should have the ability to log into submit.escholarship.org and:
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