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Bug: Search within series resets to site-wide search after applying filters, navigating to additional pages of results
about 1 month ago
by Alainna Therese Wrigley
A recent update has broken the "this series" search page. The search filters and results navigation links incorrectly direct to the same search under "all of eScholarship".
Below is a workaround to search content within a single series which can be used while eScholarship developers resolve this issue.
Searching within a series is achieved by adding "search type" and "search unit type" parameters to the base search string. Initiating a search for "Thesis" from within the series UC San Francisco Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ucsf_etd) results in the following URL:
Under the current bug, if you updated any search filter or navigated to an additional page of search results, you unexpectedly are directed to the same search across all of eScholarship. The below search URL resulted from updating the search filter to display 100 results per page:
To limit the search to the series where you started, copy the &searchType=ucsf_etd&searchUnitType=series from the original search URL and append it to the end of the filtered search URL.
A recent update has broken the "this series" search page. The search filters and results navigation links incorrectly direct to the same search under "all of eScholarship".
Below is a workaround to search content within a single series which can be used while eScholarship developers resolve this issue.
Searching within a series is achieved by adding "search type" and "search unit type" parameters to the base search string. Initiating a search for "Thesis" from within the series UC San Francisco Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ucsf_etd) results in the following URL:
Under the current bug, if you updated any search filter or navigated to an additional page of search results, you unexpectedly are directed to the same search across all of eScholarship. The below search URL resulted from updating the search filter to display 100 results per page:
To limit the search to the series where you started, copy the &searchType=ucsf_etd&searchUnitType=series from the original search URL and append it to the end of the filtered search URL.
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