Feature request - journals search - functionality requests for https://escholarship.org/journals

Posted over 7 years ago by Allegra Swift

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Allegra Swift
Allegra Swift

Looking at https://help.escholarship.org/support/discussions/topics/9000037642 , it seems that some of these features I am about to mention have been incorporated or will be? 

Journals search:  https://escholarship.org/journals. I’d like to find publications with a biomedical scope (and other discipline related). It would be useful to include an advanced search or faceting to search on different faculty like subject, status (undergraduate vs faculty), etc.

I understand Altmetrics will be featured on the journals? Will other information such as where journals are idexed, editorial board info, and other quality/impact markers per DOAJ, OASPA, COPE criteria https://oaspa.org/principles-of-transparency-and-best-practice-in-scholarly-publishing-2/ ?

Also, it appears that the recent articles on this page https://escholarship.org/journals are not from the journals published through eScholarship which is a little confusing.


Allegra Swift

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Allegra Swift

Allegra Swift posted over 7 years ago

Thanks! In the meantime, is there a way to find UC published journals with biomed or chemistry scope? I have a researcher on campus who would like to test an application that determines rigor in the methods section.

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Justin Gonder

Justin Gonder posted over 7 years ago Admin

Thanks for the feedback, Allegra!

To answer your questions:
  • Advanced search is, indeed, coming. We hope to have that feature available by year's end.
  • AltMetric badges are available only for journals that have an active AltMetric license. We have also built in a DOAJ Seal badge, which can be activated by alerting us that a journal has met DOAJ requirements for the seal. Other information about the journal is maintained by each journal's editorial team using our new Site Configuration Tool.
  • Good catch on the 'recent articles' on our Browse Journals page. We'll be re-working that right sidebar in the near future to feature journal covers for recently updated issues.



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