Journals search: I’d like to find publications with a biomedical scope (and other discipline related). It would be useful to include an advanced search or faceting to search on different faculty like subject, status (undergraduate vs faculty), etc.
Also, it appears that the recent articles on this page are not from the journals published through eScholarship which is a little confusing.
Allegra Swift
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Allegra Swiftposted
over 7 years ago
Thanks! In the meantime, is there a way to find UC published journals with biomed or chemistry scope? I have a researcher on campus who would like to test an application that determines rigor in the methods section.
0 Votes
Justin Gonderposted
over 7 years ago
Thanks for the feedback, Allegra!
To answer your questions:
Advanced search is, indeed, coming. We hope to have that feature available by year's end.
AltMetric badges are available only for journals that have an active AltMetric license. We have also built in a DOAJ Seal badge, which can be activated by alerting us that a journal has met DOAJ requirements for the seal. Other information about the journal is maintained by each journal's editorial team using our new Site Configuration Tool.
Good catch on the 'recent articles' on our Browse Journals page. We'll be re-working that right sidebar in the near future to feature journal covers for recently updated issues.
Looking at , it seems that some of these features I am about to mention have been incorporated or will be?
Journals search: I’d like to find publications with a biomedical scope (and other discipline related). It would be useful to include an advanced search or faceting to search on different faculty like subject, status (undergraduate vs faculty), etc.
I understand Altmetrics will be featured on the journals? Will other information such as where journals are idexed, editorial board info, and other quality/impact markers per DOAJ, OASPA, COPE criteria ?
Also, it appears that the recent articles on this page are not from the journals published through eScholarship which is a little confusing.
Allegra Swift
0 Votes
Allegra Swift posted over 7 years ago
Thanks! In the meantime, is there a way to find UC published journals with biomed or chemistry scope? I have a researcher on campus who would like to test an application that determines rigor in the methods section.
0 Votes
Justin Gonder posted over 7 years ago Admin
To answer your questions:
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