Usage statistics for eScholarship authors

Modified on Fri, Jan 26 at 10:16 AM

eScholarship tracks estimated statistics for all content in eScholarship. eScholarship sends an email to authors whose email addresses are included in the item metadata at the beginning of each quarter (January, April, July, October) which contains links to usage statistics. 

You can unsubscribe from statistics emails at any time by clicking the "unsubscribe" link or updating your preferences in your eScholarship Account Settings (user profile).


Accessing author usage statistics

Your statistics email includes a link to a unique page which outlines usage for all content in eScholarship for which you are listed as an author, so long as your email address was provided with the submission.

The default stats page displays a summary of your total deposits and item requests for the prior month. It also lists all variations of your name and email address which are linked to your personal statistics report. Your personal statistics report is updated monthly

Personal statistics report link 

The link to your personal statistics page does not change. Bookmark it so you can access it at any time.

If you do not have the statistics report link on hand while statistics notifications are disabled, contact eScholarship Support for assistance. 

Available reports

  • History by item: Displays the estimated requests (views, downloads) for items. By default, it displays 50 items over the prior 4 months. Use the toggles to update the displayed list of items and date range.

  • Breakdown by item: Displays the estimated downloads, views, download percent, and total requests (download+views) over the prior 4 months. Use the toggles to update the displayed list of items and date range.

  • Breakdown by month: Displays the estimated total downloads, views, download percent, and total requests (download+views) for all your items since the month that you first deposited an item into eScholarship.

Accessing in-line usage statistics for individual content items

Usage statistics can be viewed inline for any content on eScholarship. When viewing an article on our site, click the "Metrics" tab to obtain regularly updated estimates of views and downloads for the item. These statistics are updated overnight daily.

I receive multiple statistics reports. How do I combine them?

Contact eScholarship Support for assistance. Please include the email addresses where you receive statistics reports and specify the address which should be the primary recipient.

Why do I receive usage statistics for only some, but not all, of the item(s) I've authored in eScholarship?

If you're not receiving usage statistics for all of the content you've authored, it's likely the case that your email address is missing from our records for any publications that are missing from your report. Contact the administrator for your department, research unit, or publication and ask them to add your email address so that you can receive a complete set of usage statistics, or contact eScholarship Support for assistance liaising with those parties.