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Does eScholarship use Creative Commons licenses?

Modified on Fri, May 22, 2020 at 8:23 AM

Yes, we support all six licenses. 

  • Users depositing a previously published work, or depositing a work through a UC unit, can select any of the licenses during deposit by checking the box for “I would like to specify how others may use this work.”

  • Creative Commons licenses for journals published in eScholarship are determined by the journal. Authors agree to this license when submitting an article to the journal. To determine which license (if any) a particular journal uses, visit that journal’s home page.

When depositing using the UC Publication Management System, select the relevant CC license by name. 

When depositing using the eScholarship submission portal, tick the option that "I would like to specify how others may reuse this work" and select the relevant terms to add a CC license.

Screenshot of the eScholarship submission portal CC license reuse term selector.

You can learn more about these and other CC licenses or get help selecting a CC license for your publication at the Creative Commons website.