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How can we choose or change a Creative Commons license for our journal?

Modified on Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 10:35 AM

Submit a new support ticket. 

  • First, we need to change the language in the publication agreement that authors see when submitting new articles. Contact us to make changes to your journal's author agreement.

  • Once you have an issue for which all articles have had authors agree to a new license, we can update the Creative Commons license on the journal’s main page. Either:

    • Wait until you have an issue that consists entirely of articles submitted after the publication agreement was changed; or

    • Contact authors for articles in an earlier issue directly, and have them agree separately to the new terms.

  • The Creative Commons badge won't appear on the journal's page until an issue is published with the new license. But once the author agreement is updated, we can add a note to the journal's Policies page stating what the new license will be and what the first article is for which it will be in effect.