Persistent identifiers in eScholarship

Modified on Wed, Aug 31, 2022 at 12:54 PM

  • ARKseScholarship assigns unique identifiers using the ARK standard to each piece of primary content. eScholarship uses a branded ARK in the format[ark_assigned_name]. These persistent identifiers can be cited and shared to link to content in eScholarship. Examples: 
  • DOIs
    • For eScholarship Journals: Through an integration with CDL’s EZID service, journals using eScholarship’s journal management system can choose to have DOIs automatically assigned to their articles, and have those DOIs and related metadata registered in EZID and Crossref. Articles with DOIs also have an ARK, as described above.

    • For eScholarship repository content: DOIs can be entered into the submission form for eScholarship repository content. If you need to generate a new Crossref or DataCite DOI for your content, contact [email protected]

  • ORCID iDs
    • For Open Access Policy deposits made via the UC Publication Management System: UC researchers who have verified their ORCID iD in the UC Publication Management System will have their ORCID iD displayed in their eScholarship author metadata.