eScholarship provides publication information to as many search and discovery services as possible, since that is where most users find eScholarship content.
- Search engines: eScholarship creates dynamically generated site maps and follows other best practices in order to ensure that major search engines successfully index our publications. Those search engines, include, but are not limited to:
- CNKI: eScholarship journal records are harvested by CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) and searchable in their scholarly article database.
- Melvyl/OCLC’s Worldcat Local library catalogue: eScholarship records are harvested into Worldcat, the shared library system used by UC and many other libraries. Those records are available in many interfaces using WorldCat, including WorldCat Local/Discovery (used by the UCs) and (available to the public at no cost).
- PubMed: Links to full-text eScholarship articles are included in matching PubMed records as part of the PubMed Linkout program. New links are shared with PubMed every two weeks and are indexed in PubMed within 48 hours of receipt.
- Research Papers in Economics (RePec): publication information and full-text links are submitted to the open access repository RePec for designated eScholarship series related to economics.
- UC Library Search: eScholarship Journal and Repository content should be available in UC Library search after a brief delay for indexing. Please contact eScholarship if your department or research unit content is not discoverable within UC Library Search.