Edit or update content in an eScholarship series

Modified on Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 3:17 PM

If you are the person who originally submitted the content or are an administrator for the eScholarship series where it resides, and the content was originally deposited using the eScholarship Submission System, then you can make changes to some of the metadata (abstract, author name, author email address, etc.) or replace an outdated file for an item that is already publicly available on my eScholarship site. If the content was deposited using the UC Publication Management System, UC co-authors and campus administrators may update the content using the UC Publication Management System 

Ask unit administrator to update content

An eScholarship unit's series administrator can update all content. Check a unit's Contact us, Policies, or Submission Guidelines pages to find their listed administrator.

Updating content deposited using the eScholarship Submission System

Only the account which originally deposited the content or which is an administrator of the unit and series can update content deposited using the eScholarship Submission System. Check your submission list at https://submit.escholarship.org to confirm that you may update the content. 

  1. Navigate to the item that you wish to update, or the unit or series where it appears.
    Tip: Navigating to the item or the series it falls under will simplify the steps you need to take to find the item.
  2. Click the "Manage Submissions" button at the top right of the page, and then click the "Log in to manage your submissions" link.
  3. Log in with your eScholarship author or administrator account.
  4. If you have logged in from the item or series page, skip to the next step.
    If you have logged in from the unit page: Scroll to the Manage Submissions area near the bottom of the page. Select the series containing the content you'd like to revise.
    Tip: If you administer multiple units or series, search for the title of the series where the item appears to quickly find it in the unit/series list.
  5. Find the item you'd like to revise and select its ID or title and be redirected to the Item Summary page. If you don't see it, make sure you're viewing all of your content by checking the "All Items" box.
    Tip: Search for keywords from the title or use the title identifier prefixed by an asterisk to quickly find it.
  6. In the right side column under Item Actions, click the Make Changes button.
  7. You'll now have the ability to update any information related to this item, or replace the file. Once your edits are complete, scroll to the bottom and click the Submit button.
  8. Once submitted, you'll be redirected to the item summary page. Your update is listed as pending in the Item History section.
  9. Make the changes live: If you are a series administrator, click the "Publish" button on the Item Summary window before your changes will appear on eScholarship. If you are not a series administrator, then wait for the administrator to approve the changes.
    Note: Although the "Preview" button is available on this page, as of March 2022, the "Preview" functionality does not work for previewing edits to published items.

Updating content deposited using the UC Publication Management System

See the UC Publication Management System help desk for more information: Update Publications in eScholarship.

How to know whether content was deposited using eScholarship or the UC Publication Management System

Every item deposited using the UC Publication Management System has two give-away signs: 

  1. A UCPMS identifier
  2. It appears in a campus "Previously Published Works" series or the LBL "Recent Works" series

Check for these details in the Author & Article Info tab on an item -- both appear under the final section, Other information. Below is an example for item https://escholarship.org/uc/item/6d27357m