How do I preview an item before publishing it?

Modified on Fri, Mar 7 at 2:11 PM

After filling out the eScholarship Submission Form for an item, but before an item becomes public, you will be taken to an Item Summary screen. This screen includes the URL that the item will have once it is public, and a “Preview Item” button. 

The "Preview Item" button links to a URL with a preview key which grants access to view the publication for 48 hours. You can use this preview functionality to:

  • See how the item will look on eScholarship once it is published; and
  • Get a preview link for sharing with others for their review.

Navigation or "jump" links and other information normally displayed in the right side of the document do not display during preview.

You can continue to make changes to any of the information provided in the Submission Form screen, replace the PDF or Word document you uploaded, or add supplemental files at any point during this preview stage. The item will only become publicly available once an administrator has Published an item, even if the user who filled out the Submission Form was an administrator.

Please note: As of August 2022, Preview only works for new items. If you submit an update to a published item, the update will not be visible in Preview. Instead, you would need to publish the item and make changes as required.