Start Here: eScholarship Repository User Guide

Modified on Thu, Feb 20 at 2:55 PM

This guide demonstrates how to deposit new content and manage existing content using the eScholarship Repository Submission Management System. The content types covered in this guide are:

  • UC Presidential Open Access Policy deposits (for UC Senate Open Access Policy deposits, see the UC Publication Management System support center)
  • Published articles, books, book chapters, and non-textual media
  • New works not previously published elsewhere, such as working papers, new books, data sets and more

This guide does not cover our peer-review and publication management system for eScholarship Journals. If you are looking for resources on the eScholarship Journal Publishing System, please go to the Journals help page.

Topics in this guide:

  1. Locate the best deposit location
  2. My Account Login
  3. Submission Form
  4. Item Summary
  5. My Account Dashboard
  6. Manage Items
  7. Item Summary (Administrator view)

1. Locate the best deposit location

From the homepage, select your campus from the 'Campus Sites' menu, then locate the Deposit button on your campus's landing page. You will be asked a series of questions to help you locate the best location for your deposit, such as your affiliation and the type of material that you are depositing.

2. My Account Login

Once you've found a deposit location, you'll be presented with the My Account Login page.

Enter your email address and password, then click the Log in button.

If you do not have an eScholarship Account, you'll need to create one before logging in for the first time. (Tip: It's best to use your UC email address, if you have one, when creating a new eScholarship Account.)

My Account Login

3. Submission Form

Next you should see the Submission Form. (If you instead see the My Account dashboard page, skip to My Account dashboard for guidance.)

  1. What's required? Fields marked with an * are required; all other fields are optional.
  2. Help when you need it: If you need more information about a field, or want to provide more detailed information, click on the field and look for guidance and additional options in the blue sidebar.
  3. Let us fill it out for you: If your publication has a PubMed ID or DOI, you can enter it and click the Go button to automatically complete the form. (Note that this may not work with all DOIs.)
  4. More control over your publications: New options near the end of the form allow you to delay public access to (embargo) your deposit and specify reuse terms.

Submission Form

4. Item Summary

Once you click the Submit button, you'll arrive at the Item Summary screen.

  1. Article status: Your new submission will be pending until an administrator approves it.
  2. Review the details: Take a moment to review your entries and check for any typos or omissions.
  3. See how it looks: Even while pending approval, you can preview your item to see exactly how it will look on eScholarship.
  4. Need to make a change? The Make Changes button will take you back to the Submission Form if anything needs to be updated.

Item Summary

5. My Account Dashboard

The My Account dashboard will appear when you've completed a new submission and have closed the Item Summary, or when you've selected the My Account or Manage Existing eScholarship Content options on

  1. Deposit Options: Browse the list to find the appropriate deposit option. Choose from:
    1. UC Open Access Policy Deposit (Scholarly Articles): Any scholarly articles – those published or recently accepted for publication in a scholarly journal – should be deposited here. Senate faculty are recommended to use the UC publication management system to deposit scholarly articles.
    2. Other Scholarly Publications: : Other publications -- books, chapters, reports, etc. -- not covered by the UC Open Access policy should be deposited here. Before doing so, confirm that you have retained the right to deposit the work.
    3. New Works: Unpublished works, including working papers, data sets, multimedia, and more -- can be shared on eScholarship. First locate your academic unit and choose the appropriate deposit location.
    4. eScholarship Journals: eScholarship hosts journals which accept manuscripts for consideration from UC scholars. Browse the journals to submit your manuscript.
  2. Help and Resources: Links to resources related to the UC Open Access Policy, as well as general eScholarship Support are available in the blue sections.
  3. Manage Existing Deposits: Here you'll find a list of all the Academic Units, Series & Publications for which you are an Administrator, or to which you have previously submitted content. Click on any item in this list to view existing content.
  4. Pending Items: A quick link for Administrators to view all content awaiting their approval.

My Account Dashboard

6. Manage Items

Selecting any of the Manage Existing Deposit options will bring you to the Manage Items page.

  1. Explore other areas: You don't need to return to the My Account dashboard to view a different unit; you can view another unit, series or publication using the Manage menu.
  2. Quickly submit new content: You can submit new content directly from the manage items page. First select the series in the drop list to choose where the new item to go, then click the submit button to open a new Submission Form for the selected series.
  3. Narrow or expand your view: Use the checkboxes to view only the subset of items you want to see.
  4. Find a specific item, fast: Use the search box to locate an item by title, author or keyword.
  5. Sort your results: Click any column heading to re-sort the Manage Items table.
  6. Click to take action: Click any item's title to view its details, make changes or approve it for final publication.

Manage Items

7. Item Summary (Administrator view)

An Administrator's view of a pending item is much the same as an author's, but with a few additional options:

  1. Publish: When selected, the item will appear on within about 10 minutes (longer for very large items).
  2. Reject: When selected, marks the item as Rejected. Administrators will have the option of alerting the original submitter via email that the item has been rejected.
  3. Withdraw: When selected, alerts eScholarship Support that an item should be withdrawn. You must specify a reason for the withdrawal request. Please see eScholarship's Content Removal Guidelines for more information.

Of course Administrators can also make full use of the options covered elsewhere in this guide, such as Make Changes and Preview Item. For more information, see Item Summary (User view).

Item Summary (Administrator view)