Submit your preprint to EarthArXiv / EcoEvoRxiv

Modified on Mon, Feb 24 at 2:04 PM

The below help desk article applies to the preprint services hosted on eScholarship Publishing's Janeway platform: EarthArXiv and EcoEvoRxiv. To submit your preprint to eScholarship, see the UC Publication Management System submission guide or the eScholarship Repository user guide.

To submit a preprint, register or log into Janeway, then click the Start New Submission button on the homepage or Submit from the top navigation menu.

Preprint submission is divided into three steps: 

  1. Submission agreement and metadata: Title, abstract, license, subjects, keywords, server-specific questions.
  2. Author list: Name and affiliation of all contributors.
  3. Document and supplemental data links: The preprint article PDF and links to supplemental data (if any).

Step 1: Submission agreement and metadata 

The form begins with a submission agreement and information about the preprint server's requirements for submission; read and confirm your agreement to start your submission.

Screenshot of a submission agreement and information about the Preprint Repository's submission requirements.

The metadata section is where you provide information related to your preprint. Which fields are requested varies in each preprint server; required fields are marked with a red star (*) and may be noted in the requirements for submission.

  1. Title: The title of your article. Accented and non-Latin characters are supported.
  2. Abstract: The abstract of your article. You are recommended to remove all formatting and/or paste the abstract in plain text.
  3. License: Choose a Creative Commons license for your preprint, or choose "no license", in which case standard copyright will apply. Note that this applies only to the preprint hosted in the preprint server to which are you submitting.
  4. Published DOI: Some preprint servers allow you to submit articles which have already been published. In this case, provide the DOI of the published article in the full URI format; example:
  5. Subject: Choose one or more subject(s) related to your preprint. Click the carat (>) to view sub-subjects.
  6. Keywords: Input keyword(s) related to your preprint. Keywords may be multiple words. Hit Enter or Tab after each keyword to add a new keyword.
  7. Conflict of interest statement: If you have conflict(s) of interest to declare, do so in this field; otherwise, leave the field blank or write "None". The contents of this field will be visible in the public page for your preprint, once it is accepted.
  8. Reason for omitting associated data: This field relates to the Supplementary Data section of the preprint submission workflow, in which you have the option of providing a link to data hosted in another service which is related to your preprint. If you will not be providing data, please provide the reason here.
  9. Comments to the Editor: Any comments to the moderator(s) can be provided here. They will not be made public to readers.

Once you have completed filling in the required metadata, click the Complete Step 1 of 3 button to continue.

Step 2: Author List

This step is solely to add all listed contributors to the preprint.

Note: As of January 2023, it is only possible for the submitting author to add and edit the author list during submission. After submission, any changes to the author list must be made by the preprint server moderators. Please confirm that the author list is accurate before moving to Step 3.

  1. Add self as author: Click this button to immediately copy information from your account profile and add yourself as an author.
  2. Search for an author: You may use a known email address or the 16 digits of an ORCID iD to add an author to the preprint if they are already in the system. It is not possible to search by name.
  3. Add new author: Click this button to open the new author modal window:
  4. Author list: All authors currently listed on the preprint. Click and drag their names to reorder the list.
    1. Email address: We recommend inputting the author's institutional email address. If they already have an account in the system, their name and affiliation data will be updated on the account.
    2. First name: The preferred first or given name used by the author in their scholarly writing.
    3. Middle name: If the author uses a middle name or initial in their scholarly writing, please input it here.
    4. Last name: The preferred last or family name used by the author in their scholarly writing.
    5. Affiliation: The affiliation of this author as it relates to the preprint.
  5. Delete button: It is not possible to edit author data once it is in the system. If the data is incorrect, use the delete button to remove them from the list, then add the author back as a "new author".

Once you have completed filling in the required metadata, click the Complete Step 2 of 3 button to continue.

Step 3: Document and supplemental data links

The final step is to upload your manuscript and add links to any supplemental data.

  1. Information: Click the Browse button to find your manuscript, then Upload File to upload it to the server.
  2. Uploaded file: Once uploaded, your file will be displayed in this section. If the file is incorrect, re-upload the file.
  3. Add new supplementary file: Click this button to add a link to supplementary data hosted in an external service such as Dryad or Zenodo.
    1. Label: Given your data file a descriptive label.
    2. URL: The URL or DOI where the data file can be access.

Once complete, click Complete step 3 of 3 and your preprint will be submitted for moderator review.