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Creating Custom Review Forms

Modified on Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 3:28 PM

Review Forms can be customized to ask reviewers specific questions about a manuscript. To create a custom review form:

  1. Select Configure Journal > Review Forms
  2. Select Create Review Form
  3. Give the new form a Title (required) and a description (optional). Select Save.
  4. You will be returned to the list of review forms. Select the Edit option next to your new review form's title
  5. Select the Form Items link, then the Create New Item link to add fields, questions, etc. to your review form.
  6. Once all questions have been added, Preview your form. If everything looks correct, return to Configure Journal > Review Forms and select the Activate link to enable the new form for use.


  • Once a form is activated, it should not be modified or deleted.
  • You can copy questions from any review form (activated or not) to a new review form. This is useful if you plan to duplicate certain questions in multiple forms.