eScholarship tracks estimated statistics for all content in eScholarship. At the beginning of each quarter (January, April, July, October), eScholarship sends an email to administrators who have requested stats emails. If you are a series administrator and do not receive quarterly statistics notification emails, contact the eScholarship team to be registered.
- Accessing usage statistics for sites, series, and journals
- Accessing in-line usage statistics for individual items in a series
- Unsubscribing from statistics emails
- Usage statistics emails for authors
Accessing usage statistics for sites, series, and journals
The eScholarship statistics report contains summary statistics for all items in a site, series, and/or journal. Admin can access statistics by clicking the link in their quarterly statistics notification email or by adding /stats to the end of the series ([series]/stats ). The report updates at the beginning of each month.
The link to your statistics page does not change; bookmark it so you can access it at any time.
The default stats page displays a summary of the total deposits, item requests, and top referrers (how people found your items) across all series for the prior month.
- History by item, unit, and referrer:
- Item: Displays the estimated requests (views, downloads) for items. By default, it displays 50 items over the prior 4 months. Use the toggles to update the displayed list of items and date range.
- Unit: Displays the estimated requests (views, downloads) for each unit or series under the main unit over the prior 4 months. Click each unit/series to obtain further delineated statistics. Use the toggle to update the date range.
- Referrer: Displays the top referrers (how people found and/or were linked your unit's content) over the prior 4 months, e.g. Google, Use the toggle to update the date range.
- Breakdown by month, item, unit, and category:
- Month: Displays the number of deposits and estimated downloads, view-only requests, percentage downloaded, and total requests (download+views) for every month since your unit first had deposits to eScholarship.
- Item: Displays the estimated downloads, views, download percent, and total requests (download+views) over the prior4 months. Use the toggles to update the displayed list of items and date range.
- Unit: Displays the estimated views, downloads, download percentages, and total requests (download+views) for each unit or series under the main unit over the prior 4 months. Click each unit/series to obtain further delineated statistics. Use the toggle to update the date range.
- Category: Displays the estimated views, downloads, download percentages, and total requests (download+views) for each category of deposit over the prior 4 months. Use the toggle to update the date range. See category list below.
- Deposits by unit and category:
- Unit: Displays the total deposits for each unit or series under the main unit over the prior 4 months. Click each unit/series to obtain further delineated statistics. Use the toggle to update the date range.
- Category: Displays the total deposits for each category of item over the prior 4 months. Use the toggle to update the date range.
- Average requests per item by unit and category:
- Unit: Displays the average requests per item under each unit or series under the main unit over the prior 4 months. Click each unit/series to obtain further delineated statistics. Use the toggle to update the date range.
- Category: Displays the average requests per item for each category over the prior 4 months. Use the toggle to update the date range.
Categories used in eScholarship reports
- Overall: All items
- ETDs: Electronic theses and dissertations
- ORU / campus (defunct type): An item with the item type of "organized research unit" (ORU) or campus deposit
- Journals: Items published in eScholarship journals
- Monographic series: Items deposited in eScholarship monograph series
- Postprints: Authors final manuscripts deposited intoo eScholarship in accordance with UC's open access policies.
- BioMed: Articles deposited on UC authors' behalf using the BioMedCentral SWORD publisher deposit connection. (This connection is not currently active.)
- EuroPMCauto: Articles sourced from European PubMed Central which were automatically deposited on the UC authors' behalf after they verified it inn the which have been verified by UC authors in the UC Publication Management System. Learn more at the UCPMS help desk.
- LBNL: Articles with at least one co-author from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
- Springer: Articles deposited on UC authors' behalf using the Springer Nature SWORD publisher deposit connection. (This connection is not currently active.)
- Campus: Articles with at least one co-author from a UCC campus.
- Seminar series (defunct type): An item from the "seminar" series type.
- Series: An item deposited in an eScholarship series or collection.
- unknown: An item with an unspecified item type.
Accessing in-line usage statistics for individual items in a series
Usage statistics can be viewed in-line for any item on eScholarship. When viewing an item in eScholarship, click the "Metrics" tab to obtain regularly updated estimates of views and downloads for the item. Item-level statistics update weekly.
Usage statistics emails for authors
Individual authors whose email addresses are in the item metadata will also receive usage statistics emails. For more information, see: Usage statistics for eScholarship content authors.
Unsubscribing from statistics emails
eScholarship unit administrators cannot unsubscribe from email statistics. If you should not longer be an administrator for your unit's eScholarship series, please contact eScholarship Support.