User roles for eScholarship department and unit sites

Modified on Thu, Jan 12, 2023 at 10:07 AM

Three roles are available for eScholarship accounts. Users can create eScholarship accounts at


  • This is a default role, assigned at the time an account is created. 
  • Users with this role can submit material to any unit or series, but generally the material will not be published to the site until approved by an administrator.
  • Users who have publications in eScholarship will receive monthly emails about usage statistics for those publications.

Statistics recipient


  • This role must be assigned by eScholarship staff. To request an additional administrator for your unit or series, have a current administrator, authorized representative, or the campus library scholarly communications team submit a ticket.
  • For series within a unit site, roles must be assigned for each series; administrators for a parent unit do not automatically have administrator privileges for series within the unit.
  • Users with this role can:

If you are not sure who the current administrators are for an eScholarship site, check the site’s “Contact Us” page. If there is no contact information listed, submit a ticket to eScholarship support.

Read more about Managing content in your site.