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Advertising your published issue

Modified on Fri, Jun 21, 2019 at 10:25 AM

Links regarding "Notify Users", a retired submission management feature, redirect here. This feature was retired due to the submission management system's outdated and standards non-compliant method of sending mass electronic mailings. 

Once your issue is published, there are several things you can do to make sure as many readers see it as possible:

  • Send an email blast
    Some journals maintain a list of readers, to which they send an announcement regarding new issues. You can easily collect reader email addresses and send mass emails using free and paid services such as MailChimp or Constant Contact*. You may also wish to contact your institution's IT department to see if services such as listserv accounts are freely available to you. If you'd like readers to be able to sign up for your mailing list, you can provide a sign-up link in your journal's Nav menu or sidebar widget area using the Site Configuration Tool. See SFEWS's 'About' menu for an example.
  • Post links on social media
  • Circulate links on mailing lists
    If you have been maintaining your reader list within the manuscript workflow system and would like a report of this data, please submit a ticket. 
  • Ask editors, authors & reviewers to distribute your announcement to their peers
  • Alert publication databases where your journal is indexed that you've published a new issue

* Specific platforms listed as examples only.