Open Access Policy Deposits and the UC Publication Management System

Modified on Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 4:28 PM

Campus department sites in eScholarship can opt to display an Open Access Policy Deposit series -- a collection point for scholarly articles that researchers affiliated with that department have made available in the UC Publication Management System. These publications predominately are journal articles but may also include conference papers, book chapters, and reports.

About the UC Publication Management System 

Under the University of California’s (UC) open access policies, UC employees are required to make the accepted version of their scholarly articles freely available by depositing them in an open access repository, such as eScholarship. The UC Publication Management System (UCPMS) simplifies this process. 

The UCPMS searches multiple publication databases for work authored by UC authors using keywords tailored to their name and campus. When it finds new publications, it emails the authors and requests that the author verify that it is theirs and deposit it to eScholarship. 

All articles deposited using the UCPMS appear in the campus Previously Published Works series and the department Open Access Policy Deposits series for each author who has verified the publication. For example, a UC Merced faculty member in the Department of Anthropology's deposited publication appears in the UC Merced Previously Published Works series and the Department of Anthology Open Access Policy Deposits series.

All faculty and employees at UC's ten campuses and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have access to the UCPMS. More information can be found at the UC Publication Management System Support Center

Can I deposit into the Open Access Deposits series?

The Open Access Policy Deposits series is an automated collection of publications that have been verified and/or deposited into eScholarship using the UC Publication Management System by that department’s researchers. It does not accept direct deposits. 

To deposit to the series, researchers can log into the UCPMS using their campus credentials at and/or see the UC Publication Management System Support Center for assistance. 

How departmental affiliation is determined

User accounts in the UC Publication Management System include, at minimum, a campus and a departmental affiliation for each user. In some cases, users have multiple affiliations, which might include: 

  • Multiple campus affiliations in different apartments and research units; 

  • Appointments at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and/or UC Agriculture and Natural Resources; and 

  • Having been awarded a grant from the UCOP Research Grants Program Office.

These affiliations determine which campus’ Previously Published Works series a publication appears under (or Recent Works for RGPO and the Berkeley Lab), as well as which department Open Access Policy Deposits series a publication appears under. 

Department administrators can remove the department Open Access Policy Deposits location for publications which are unrelated to their department. See: Managing where an item appears in eScholarship.