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Using the Repository Manager Dashboard

Modified on Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 5:54 AM

The below help desk article applies to the preprint services hosted on eScholarship Publishing's Janeway platform: EarthArXiv and EcoEvoRxiv

The Repository (Preprint) Manager Dashboard is the Janeway hub for reviewing new preprint and version update submissions.

Access the Repository Manager Dashboard

Access your dashboard by logging into your account, clicking the Account link in the top navigational bar, then selecting Dashboard.

Your personal author dashboard displays by default. In the left navigational bar, select Repository Manager

Navigating the Repository Manager Dashboard

The Repository (Preprint) Manager dashboard is divided into five sections:

  1. Unpublished preprints: A list of all new submissions pending moderator approval.
  2. Preprint stats: Statistics related to the server, along with links to basic service actions. Each entry is a link.
  3. Published preprints: A list of all published preprints in the server.
  4. Metrics summary: Service-wide statistics for the views and downloads in the current and previous month.

Unpublished preprints

The unpublished preprints section is a list of all submitted manuscripts pending moderator review.  

  1. Number of items to view on the page: 10 items are displayed by default; choose to increase the number as needed.
  2. Search: Input keywords to find a specific pending preprint, including: 
    1. First author name
    2. ID (the end of the preprint's URL)
    3. Title
  3. Unpublished preprints list: A list of all manuscripts pending review in the preprint server. Each column's title may be clicked to sort by that column (ascending/descending).

Click the title of an unpublished preprint to review and approve/reject the preprint. Learn more about reviewing preprints in Janeway.

Preprints stats

The preprints stats section contains a list of basic statistics about the server, along with quick links to perform certain moderator actions. As a moderator, you will want to keep track of three main areas: 

  1. New submissions: The count of all new submissions. Effectively, this is the same information as in the "Unpublished preprints" section. The link does not go to any specific page. Learn more about reviewing preprint versions.  
  2. Versions awaiting moderation: The count of updates authors have filed which require moderator review. Click the link to go to the version review page. Learn more about reviewing preprint versions.  
  3. Orphaned preprints: The count of "orphaned" preprints -- preprints without an identified submitting author. This may occur due to submission errors, or when a submitting author's account has been deleted.

Description of each option: 

  1. Subject areas: The total subject areas covered by the preprints server. Preprint service administrators may submit a request ticket to the CDL to update supported subjects.
  2. Submissions 
    1. Published submissions: Total active published submissions by the preprint server. This count excludes preprints which opted out of the migration to CDL Janeway.
    2. New submissions: Total unpublished preprints require moderator review.
    3. Rejected submissions: Total rejected preprint submissions. Previously rejected submissions were not migrated to CDL Janeway for those who came from other systems. In addition, some preprints may
    4. Incomplete submissions: Total preprint submissions which have been started, but which have not yet been (and may never be) submitted.
  3. Versions awaiting moderation: Total preprint version (update) requests requiring moderator attention. Learn more about reviewing preprint versions.  
  4. Orphaned preprints: Total "orphaned" preprints -- preprints without an identified submitting author.
  5. Manage Reviewers: Facilitates "invited comments" from a list of designated reviewers. No CDL-hosted preprints service currently supports invited comments. Check with your preprint service administrator if you have any questions about this feature.


Published preprints

Similar to the unpublished preprints section, the published preprints section is a list of all published preprints on the preprint server.

  1. Number of items to view on the page: 10 items are displayed by default; choose to increase the number as needed.
  2. Search: Input keywords to find a specific pending preprint, including: 
    1. First author name
    2. ID (the end of the preprint's URL)
    3. Title
  3. Preprints list: A list of all published preprints in the preprint server. Each column's title may be clicked to sort by that column (ascending/descending).

Click the title of an published preprint to review or update the preprint. Learn more about updating published preprints in Janeway.

Metrics summary

The metrics summary section provides service-wide statistics for the views and downloads in the current and previous month. Mouse over a column to obtain an exact count. 

Note: Janeway currently does not support the display of metrics of individual preprints in the public item page or in the moderator dashboard.