Update your EarthArXiv / EcoEvoRxiv preprint

Modified on Mon, Feb 24 at 2:04 PM

The below help desk article applies to the preprint services hosted on eScholarship Publishing's Janeway platform: EarthArXiv and EcoEvoRxiv. To update your preprint to eScholarship, see the UC Publication Management System submission guide or the eScholarship Repository user guide.

Submitting authors may make changes or updates to their preprint after submission. Access your Author Dashboard and navigate to your preprint's dashboard view page to get started. 

Types of preprint updates 

Janeway supports three types of updates: 

  1. Text Correction: Choose this to indicate that the preprint document (PDF) includes minor changes, such as typo corrections. Metadata may also be updated at the same time.
  2. New Version: Choose this to indicate that the preprint document includes significant or substantial changes which requires Moderator review. Metadata may also be updated at the same time. 
  3. Metadata Correction: Solely for edits to the metadata of the preprint, such as adding the published article's DOI. No document update.

Updates must be approved by a Preprint Moderator; once the update is approved, a new version of your preprint is created.

Data that can be changed 

TitleAbstractAuthorsKeywordsLicenseSubjectsPublished version DOIPreprint document (PDF)
Text CorrectionYesYesNoNoNoNoYesYes
New VersionYesYesNoNoNoNoYesYes
Metadata CorrectionYesYesNoNoNoNoYesNo

Update title, abstract, published version DOI, and PDF

1. Navigate to your Author Dashboard, then find and open the preprint. 

Tip: If your preprint has been published, replace the "view" in the URL with "dashboard" to immediately go to the author dashboard view. Example:

Public Preprint: https://stg.eartharxiv.org/repository/view/1905/
Author Dashboard: https://stg.eartharxiv.org/repository/dashboard/1905/

2. Scroll to the Comments section in the right column of the page and click the Update Preprint button

3. Choose the type of update to make. Note that any update, once approved, shall create a new Version #. 

4. Fill in the form with the required updates, then click the Submit Update button when complete.

5. Await the moderator's rejection or approval of the update. The submitted update is listed under "Pending Updates" for your preprint until it has been approved:

Update authors, keywords, license, and subjects 

Currently the Janeway system only supports author list updates by preprints moderators. If you need to update the author list, please contact the moderation team of the Janeway preprint server

Update supplemental dataset links

Preprint authors are encouraged to include links to research data related to their preprint shared in external systems. To update the supplemental dataset links:

1. Navigate to your Author Dashboard, then find and open the preprint.

2. Scroll to the Supplementary Files section at the bottom of the page and click Manage Supplementary Files

3. You have the option to add a new supplemental dataset link or to reorder and/or remove existing dataset links.
Note: Existing links cannot be edited. To correct an existing link, submit a new version then delete the old one.

4. Once added or reordered, the update will be immediately live. Moderator approval is not required.